100 E Main St

Cumby, TX 75433

(903) 994-2272

City Office Main Number

City Office Hours

OPEN: M - F: 8am - 5pm CLOSED: 12:30 - 1:30

Memorial Day Sunday Church Service & Celebration

Join the Cornerstone Baptist, First Methodist and Community Lighthouse Baptist Church members as they hold a combined service in Cumby City Park on Sunday May 29, 2022. Directly following the service, there will be BBQ Lunch served.

Contact Us
Physical Address:
100 E Main St
Cumby, TX 75433
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 349
Cumby, TX 75433
City Offices:
(903) 994-2272
Municipal Court:
(903) 994-2666
Police Department:
(903) 994-4924